We use an online booking system to make it as convenient as possible for you to book your appointment. If you would prefer to book your appointment by phone or email then please contact us or pop into the centre during our manned reception times to speak to us face to face.
When booking your appointment please be aware that prices and availability for certain services may vary depending on which therapist you book with. If you would prefer to book an appointment with a specific therapist then visit our "The Team" webpage. Any questions or queries then please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you are a GP, Clinical Specialist, Therapist or Allied Health professional you can refer by emailing thebodyclinicleominster@gmail.com and one of our team will get back to you. If you need to email confidential patient/client information to us then please ensure this is done in a secure password protected file.
Budget holders are welcome to speak to the Clinical Director about care packages for their patients.